The DFG established this priority programm in 2019. It is divided in two phases, each with a 6 Mio Euro budget. Phase 2 started in 2022 and runs until 2025.
Here you can find all the funded projects sorted into 1st (2019 – 2021) and 2nd (2022 – 2024) funding period as well as important information about each PI, and whether he/she has an open position in their project.
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Independence Accelerator Award
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Practical Courses in 2023
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Annual SPP2191 Meeting in Dresden: September 24 – 28, 2023
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Women in Science Workshop “Self-Leadership for scientists – look within to succeed”
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Kickoff Meeting for the Second Funding Phase from May 30 – June 1, 2022
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Projects 2019-2024
The following projects are part of the first and second funding period
Temperature-dependent phase separation of RNA binding proteins in chloroplasts
Phase Separation driven Heterochromatin Formation as a Regulatory Mechanism for Repeat Silencing and Cellular Differentiation
Mechanisms of biomolecular condensation in bacterial ribosomal RNA transcription
Dissecting the principles guiding CTCF condensate formation in cellular ageing
Condensation of Ribosomal Proteins in Ribosome Biogenesis and Neurological Ribosomopathy
Molecular mechanisms of physiological and aberrant phase transitions
Phase Separation of Ki-67 during Mitotic Exit
Conformational Selection in Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation: Protein folding and aggregation pathways in the cytoplasm and stress granules
Molecular Mechanisms of Functionally Distinct Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation of Drosophila Loqs, Ago2 and dsRNA
Phase Separation of Membrane Scaffolding Proteins as a Mechanism to Control Formation of Tight Junctions
Molecular Basis for the Central Role of the DEAD-Box Helicase Dhh1 in the Formation and Function of Processing Bodies
Dissecting the Nuclear Pore-Like Permeability Barrier Function of Phase Separated Liquid FG Nucleoporin Condensates
Condensate Colloquium Series
Biweekly virtual series on Intracellular Phase Transitions and Biomolecular Condensates. Here you will find all info about the speakers and the zoom links for the upcoming seminars.
Those interested to join the CCS mailing list to receive the seminar links and updates via email can subscribe here:
The upcoming Seminar
Be invited to join and hear from a diverse set of speakers and to participate in discussions!